Do Something Awards $500 Grant to Get the Lead Out of Fishing

Get the Lead Out of Fishing is proud to announce that Do Something has awarded $500 to me to continue his project.

Do Something believes you have the power to make a difference. It is our aim to inspire, support and celebrate a generation of doers: people who see the need to do something, believe in their ability to get it done, and then take action. At we provide the tools and resources for you to convert your ideas and energy into positive action. Be part of a generation of doers.

I will use the money to provide additional unleaded fishing kits and public awareness.

Want to learn more about Do Something?

New web site launched

Welcome to my new updated web site. I have added lots of new features.

You can view videos that explain the project. Check out the press. Learn more about what you can do to Get the Lead Out of Fishing!

Check out the news and announcements. I am proud that I have been able to make a difference.

And it all started with one question asked by me as a kid:
“What happens to all the lead fishing weights we lose when we go fishing?”